Stop the massacre of the stray dogs in Romania

  • van: Doina Saiciuc
  • ontvanger: Romanian authorities / Romanian people

A lot of ”macho” and reckless people in Romania are enriching themselves betting on their fighting dogs( especially) pitbulls.

Reckless people let their pitbulls to copulate with poor weak stray female dogs.Authorities are blind and deaf in the face of it. Some of the dogs coming from such parents may be agressive. An extremely unhappy incident when dogs attacked a 4 years old kid launched a terrible anti-stray dogs hysteria in Bucharest.Romania.Now they want to kill every dog.

Following this logic,it would mean this: when a human is killing someone, every human is responsible for the crime and should be slaughtered ! Is this the logic behind the massacre of stray dogs in Romania ?!

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