Save Bonnie Springs by making it a historical landmark

 The Bonnie Springs Ranch was originally built in 1843 as a stopover for the wagon trains going to California. In 1958, Bonnie McGaugh and Al Levinson resurrected the ranch and opened it to the public as a tourist attraction. Stables, petting zoo, and a restaurant were added to the land.

They are now closing down Bonnie Springs and starting demolition in March to make room for another high end luxury community. The city tried to demolish the Huntridge theater years ago, and our community was able to preserve this historical building by signing a petition to make it a historical land mark. Let's do the same for Bonnie Springs founded in 1843 with many historical buildings loaded with artifacts and memorabilia from the beginning's of our fine state.

Sign this petition to save Bonnie Springs Ranch.

Update #35 jaar geleden
Tomorrow is a very important day for Bonnie Springs.
Not only are they hearing the appeal, The entire county "Master Plan" is also on the calendar.
They can move items as they please. So even though our appeal is near the end of the list, they could move it up. We need as many volunteers to come as possible, preferably at different times, so that when they call us, we have supporters ready. If you can volunteer an hour or two tomorrow between 9-3 Please contact me @
Update #26 jaar geleden
Congratulations everyone we did great. However it l”seems like our momentum is dwindling off. Total count looks to be holding just shy of 15,000 signatures. Which Is absolutely amazing. I sent e-mails to fox 5 , 8 news now, the review journal , Jacky Rosend , Catherine Cortez Masto if there is anyone else you think we should be contacting please shoot me the info at E-mail :
Update #16 jaar geleden
Thank you everyone for taking the time to sign this petition. As soon as we have reached our goal of 5000 signatures. I will be forwarding this on to all the local media networks, as well as all of our senators & congressman. Keep your figgers crossed, say your prayers. With any luck it will make a difference. Thanks again!
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