Keep Village H (The Grove) an Off-Leash trail!

Despite Off-leash dog walkers actively supporting Preserve Calavera (PC) for years in the acquisition of Village H, PC voted to OPPOSE off-leash dog use on our Village H trail !!!
Already two new police Rangers are now patrolling trails, parks and beaches in the area issuing expensive citations. The Grove trail will be next if we don't do something!!

1) At present we have no voice in the process and we must change that situation IMMEDIATELY !! Our decades long use will be outlawed by adoption (before years end) of the Trails Master Plan which makes Vill H a city wide, on-leash trail. We have earned the right to be accounted for in the use of this area, which we have used since the early 1980's.

2) "Public access to the historic public use trail through Village H" is a condition of the current agreement and we MUST remind the City and PC that "historic public use" has always meant Off - Leash dog walking.

3) We need to instigate and create an active program of communication with City officials/staff by various means to turn this situation around or our ability to freely walk with our dogs on this trail will taken from us AND LOST FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS.

Signing this petition shows your support to keep the Grove (Village H) Off-Leash.
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