Ban greyhound racing in Victoria NOW!

The petition of the undersigned citizens of Victoria calls for a ban to the Victorian greyhound industry on the basis that:

• Between 13,000 and 17,000 healthy young dogs are killed each year by the greyhound racing industry in Australia.

• The industry has failed to reform in any meaningful way to stop the routine mistreatment of animals.

• Dogs are being exported to jurisdictions with no animal welfare protections, including Macau, where they are subject to poor living conditions, risk of serious injury and almost certain death.

• Greyhound racing is a poor employment generator and its continuation at significant taxpayer expense is inconsistent with the public interest.

The petitioners below call on the Victorian government to:
• ban all greyhound racing in Victoria.
• Use the assets currently held by the industry regulator to fund a Greyhound Racing Transition task force to assist industry employees find new work and to facilitate the homing of dogs.

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