Hello 👋,
We have been to Center Parcs a lot. The last few times, we have seen feral cats, some of whom seemed to be suffering. According to Cats Protection Frome, the cats are fed by Center Parcs staff. However, even if they are fed, it is likely not enough food or care. The cats are still suffering.
One of the cats whom we encountered, the one whom we named Clementine, was only a year/a few months old (barely an adult herself), and she had kittens. Unless Center Parcs implement a Trap-Neuter-Release programme as soon as possible, and take care of the cats much better, more innocent cats will suffer, and be born into a life without having a human home.
THESE CATS NEED HELP URGENTLY!!!!!!!!!! This is the second petition that I have started about this. Unless Center Parcs get their act together and do something soon, we could get even sterner with them.
Thank you 😊.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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