This Police Officer Was Caught on Video Choking, Dragging, Hanging, and Punching His K-9 Partner

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Fayetteville Police Department
During a recent traffic stop in Fayetteville, North Caroline, an officer instructed his police dog to sniff a stopped car. But things quickly took a turn for the violent -- the officer, caught on video by a bystander, proceeded to punch, choke by the collar, hang, and swing the helpless dog.

Sign the petition to demand the Fayetteville Police Department fire this abusive officer!

The video is incredibly hard to watch. It begins with the officer holding the dog tightly by the collar, its front legs dangling off the ground, meaning its airways were likely partially or totally cut off. Then the officer can be seen punching the trapped dog once, twice, three times, hard, directly in the face. He then swings the dog around, tightly grabbing its muzzle, and lifts all of the dog's legs off the ground, hanging the poor thing. The video then ends.

There is no excuse for this kind of violence against an animal, especially by a member of the police who is supposed to be an officer of peace and protection.

Allegedly, before the video began, the dog had bitten the officer on the leg, which is how the Fayetteville PD is justifying this animal abuse. But there is no justification for animal abuse. This officer should have been well aware of his dog's behaviors, triggers, and possible imperfections in the training it had been given, and ready to respond with control that kept everyone safe. Instead, he enacted intense violence onto the dog.

Animal behavior experts agree that violence does not correct unwanted behaviors in dogs; often, violence actually makes these behaviors far worse, creating a fearful, reactive dog.

We have little information about what has happened to this poor pup and his abusive "partner," but from what we can tell based on the Fayetteville PD's statements defending his behavior, they have not disciplined him at all.

That's why we're asking that you join us in putting pressure on this police department to protect the animals in its possession, and discipline this outright violent officer. We ask that the Fayetteville Police Department fire this officer, and retire this abused dog to a life of safety -- sign the petition if you agree!

Photo Credit: Watch Out Cumberland County NC Facebook
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