Save 10,000 Bats' Home in NSW, Australia

  • van: Jane Cameron
  • ontvanger: Environment Minister Greg Hunt, NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell

The NSW government wants to destroy a colony of 10,000 grey-headed flying-foxes in a coastal forest, after many had been driven out of their previous home in the Royal Botanic Gardens.

The NSW government now wants to clear the land  near the bats' home for the Pacific Highway upgrade. Grey-headed flying-foxes are a protected species but, last year, the Premier, Barry O'Farrell, instructed the roads department to abandon  plans to re-route the highway around the bats!

Now O'Farrell wants Prime Minister Tony Abbott  to ''cut green tape'' and plough through the colony!

Please sign this petition to save the bats' home before it's too late.

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