Elephants cruelly forced to submerge underwater for new tourist display at Chonburi Zoo, Thailand

Khao Kheow Open Zoo in Chonburi Thailand are forcing their Elephants to swim under water as an entertainment display for paying tourists. This practice is extremely cruel to the Elephants as their trunks act as a snorkel when they are in water, but if they are fully submerged then they are at huge risk of drowning. This causes huge stress and trauma to the Elephants which could also jeporidse the safety of the public if they Elephants were to retaliate with aggression. The Elephants are prodded with bullhooks by mahouts (Elephant handlers) to make them swim fully under water so that tourists can view them from an underground window. Tourists bang on the windows and loudly shout, which adds to the stress.
Elephants are highly intelligent beings and show very similar emotions to Humans. This cruel treatment could have serious consequences to the mind and behaviour of these beautiful land mammals.
By signing this petition you will be showing this zoo that tourists do not support the cruel treatment of any animal. The cruelty can stop once the demand stops from tourists.

Thank you for standing up for what is right.

Note: Image used is my own but not reflective of the cause.

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