This Widow Lost Her Land After Her Husband Died — And It Was Legal

Salome Nkalawire is a young woman who has faced countless difficulties during her life. Through all of this, she married and brought up four beautiful children who loved helping their parents work on the farm they had created on their little plot of land. Now, however, she is a widow. And, as such, she has been stripped of her right to own land and to be part of her husband's family, who quickly threw her out after the tragic death of their son.

She has nothing. Even though in 2016 a bill was passed that recognises women's customary land rights, this does not seem to be implemented and women are routinely discriminated against. Some women are married off as children, and widows are even given as "inheritance" to their late husband's relatives.

This abandon of women needs to stop and the circle of insecurity broken. Women in Malawi need to be granted solid land rights, so they can survive, whatever the state of their family!

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