Skateboarding/ Longboarding at the Beach. Make it Legal.

To allow the cruising, and use of skateboards and longboards as a form of transportation, via bike baths at the ocean front. Roller skates or blades are no different in that they require human energy as the only form of propultion and this remains legal, yet consistantly poses the same risk to pedestrians. It is time to finally make a change for the better and allow skateboards and longboards as a means of transportation. So many of us use these as such, and its time to move past the stigma of skateboarders destroy or disrupt. We have parks for that. What about those of us, who just want to ride at the beach where people can ride a bike or roller blade. Lets make this change for he better and remove the negative stigma that portrays those of us who want to ride legally as a negative sist in society.

Update #18 jaar geleden
Planning to contact and set a meeting very soon with a council member. Please share this petition, we have a long way to go to 5k.
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