This Drunk Guy Broke in to the Zoo to Ride a Giraffe!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Kazakhstan Authorities
This is a perfect example of why zoos just don't make any sense. The security was so relaxed at this zoo that a drunk guy was able to climb a fense and get on top of a giraffe, all while someone filmed him doing it.

Sign on to pressure police to catch this man!

Giraffes are going extinct, and fast. Forcing them to live in captivity where they don't get a chance at a natural life and obviously are not actually being protected. It's certain that this giraffe leads a stressed out life, being subjected to constant human scrutiny and irritation and without anyway to feel at home or fulfilled as a wild animal.  

What kind of security would let a drunk idiot so close to the animals that he can easily ride one! 

Once the guy climbs the fence and gets on the giraffe's back, the giraffe walks away and pretty quickly gets really irritated and runs ahead, making the guy fall. Now authorities are saying they are looking for the man, but we need to keep the pressure on because sometimes animal abuse of this nature just falls through the cracks. 

Now this is just another example of why wild animals like giraffes have no business living in captivity like this. 

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