Give your voice to the horses in Spain

Each day, abandoned horses die in Spain in appalling conditions, because the city councils are not taking charge of the situation and attending to their welfare.

In Spain today, the collection and assistance for abandoned and mistreated domesticated animals, in accordance with the present animal protection laws, is the responsibility of the city councils.  However, these municipalities allege that a lack of available resources mean they are unable to properly comply with these laws.  As a result, animals are kept in severely overcrowded enclosures, with different species, including horses.  This lack of the necessary infrastructure leads to undue suffering of these animals.

Each day, abandoned horses die in Spain in appalling conditions, because the city councils are not taking charge of the situation and attending to their welfare. Law enforcement authorities do little to intervene in this regard.  The horses are not properly protected by any authority and are in effect, in legal limbo. 

In Andalucía thousands of beautiful horses are sent to needless and unethical slaughter each month because of this situation.

Help us demand that the Central Government comply with European legislation and protect the rights of animals in our country.  They must provide the city councils with adequate resources to enable them to fully comply with the Animal Protection Act. They must also ensure that a fully competent organization is set up to deal properly with animal welfare at all levels.

The animals of Spain need you. Please help

Update #310 jaar geleden
Each day, abandoned horses die in Spain in appalling conditions, because the city councils are not taking charge of the situation and attending to their welfare.
Update #210 jaar geleden
The animals of Spain need you. Please help
Update #110 jaar geleden
Each day, abandoned horses die in Spain in appalling conditions, because the city councils are not taking charge of the situation and attending to their welfare.
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