Stop Aronim petition on our building!

It has become clear that the Aronim are motivated by jealousy and an inability to accept our success. Their persistent and unfounded complaints, as well as their attempts to hinder our progress, are not only unjustified but also harmful to our project. This behavior is unacceptable and appears to be driven by a desire to undermine our achievements.

We urge you to take immediate action to address this situation and put an end to the Aronim's disruptive behavior, which is tantamount to harassment. Their actions are not only affecting our project's momentum but also creating a toxic environment that can have long-term consequences.

We request that you intervene to stop this behavior by signing this petition, and ensure that our project can continue without further interference. We believe that a constructive and respectful dialogue can resolve any legitimate concerns, but the current situation requires prompt attention to prevent further escalation."

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