Cat's lives matter. (The Petition Against "Cat Lady")

    There have been multiple people talking about this and I wanted to take matters into my own hands. There has been a person that goes on multiple social media and destroys the lives of cats. She goes by The_Crazy_Cat_Lady_First on Tik Tok and also goes on Omegle. She takes stray cats, missing cats, or cats she has adopted and skins them alive, drinks their blood, eats the cats, and abuses the cats if they try to resist. People enjoy watching these cats die and it is truly sick. The lady claims "I was raped once by my boyfriend. I want to put fear in others even if I scar brats" which is clearly unright of a person to do it to innocent animals. Please let's try to stop this lady by protesting against her and banning her from going and doing that to poor animals. (@h0ney._.beann)
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