• van: Diane Coles
  • ontvanger: Suffolk Constabulary, DEFRA

Justice is a 5 year old Staffordshire bull terrier cross. I was taking both Justice AND his sister, Star, for a walk on 17th September 2016 when a cat ran in front of them. Unfortunately, as a dog would, Justice managed to get hold of the cat and the inevitable happened – he killed it. I feel really, really sorry for the cat’s owner and cannot apologise enough.

Justice was seized by Suffolk Constabulary when this occurred and is now being held under Section One of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 – Breed Specific Legislation – for being of pit bull type. However his sister, Star, was not!!

He is a lovely dog who absolutely craves the attention and love of people. Neighbours have even said that they would love him as their own. He gets loads of attention from strangers when out on his walks and wags his tail and squints his eyes, as if he’s smiling. Justice is one of the most lovely natured dogs ever and is brilliant with adults and children alike. He has NEVER been a danger to anyone or anything.

PLEASE sign and share Justice’s petition so that we can have him back home where he belongs. We miss him terribly. Thanks in advance, Rose xx

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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