Ban the trapping of Wolves in Wisconsin

For years the State of Wisconsin have allowed the trapping of Gray Wolves and other Animals. Well I think it's time we put a stop to this once and for all. I know many of you feel the same way as I do. That is why I ask you to do the right thing and support the Petition.

Dear Governor Scott Walker

I urge you to ban the use of traps in the state of Wisconsin. For many years Wisconsin have been able to use traps againest the Wildlife the call the state home. Some of the Animals that have been trapped are Endangered and Protected Species like Gray Wolves, Canada Lynx, Golden Eagles, and Wolverines are just a few of the species that have been killed or maimed in traps set for other animals. Once caught in a leg hold trap, wolves face hours or even days of torturous struggle before being killed by the trapper. They frequently incur injuries to their feet, legs, and teeth while struggling to free themselves from these traps. Trapping is not humane. It is not selective. It is not necessary.

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