After the recent passing of Doña Irma that for years was the care giver of the cat colony from Ruiz Soler in Bayamón, Puerto Rico- Cecile Correa and Raquel Malaret took charge of the colony and have been working on TNR (trap-neuter &return) and feeding the cats. Today they were notified that the cats would be removed and euthanized by Monday March 2nd, 2015. This colony has been there for close to 20 years and we have people willing to help.
All they are asking is for time to remove all adoptable cats and keep working on TNR to control the population. These cats have controlled the plague of rats in the area that currently is used as a warehouse.
The problem began when one of the employees manifested that she disliked all animals and called the mayor’s office to have them removed. Animal Control passed today, but they gave them until Monday to remove ass many as they could. This colony has about 50 cats and it is impossible the remove and relocate them all.
Please, sign this petitions to demand Mayor Ramón Luis Rivera Jr. to stop the removal and killing of these innocent creatures.
Update #210 jaar geleden
We received inside information, that animal control has orders to remove the cats at night one by one to not make much noise. We are working on a register of the cats- so we can keep track of them. WE REALLY DON’T TRUST THEM… The municipal administration of Bayamon has been well known for their disregard for helping animals in need. All they want is to destroy these innocent creatures. PLEASE, HELP US REACH OUR GOAL. Let’s make our voices heard…
Pauline Acosta
Update #110 jaar geleden
VICTORY… Thanks to the support received and the local news coverage, the removal of the cats on Monday 2, 2015 was officially canceled. THE CATS ARE SAFE!!!
I will keep the petition ongoing trying to reach the 5,000 goal. We want to make sure they won’t try to remove them in the future.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to support our petition.
Pauline Acosta