End Breed Specific Legislation!

Breed Specific Legislation shouldn't be around. Dogs don't bite others, or are vicious because of their breeds - it's because of irresponsible owners who train their dog on being violent and vicious to others. Targeting a number of breeds is basically saying, "Oh, these dog's are okay, but the others aren't." Other breeds of dogs are vicious too - not just one breed.

Most are just frightened dogs who need a little bit of reassurance and for people to say, "You're okay. Nobody is going to hurt you again." Y'know? They just need some reassurance and a little bit of love to show them that they’re worth the time, love and reassurance someone can put into them; show them that they’re worth a lot more than they were put through by previous irresponsible owners.

In every aspect - they are either put to sleep due to them being reactive against humans, due to abuse, or anything else. It has nothing to do with the breed. No bull breed, or any other breed deserve to be singled out because they’re too “vicious”, check their history and work with them on what the problem is, because chances are, they just need to be loved and cared for.

Update #28 jaar geleden
464 signs! Keep going guys!
Update #18 jaar geleden
Nearly 100!! Thank you guys!
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