The South African Government's plan to destroy the Kruger National Park needs to be stopped Now!
Brief description of the planned prospecting activities
The duration of the proposed project is 5 years with the option to renew the prospecting right
is prospecting work is not completed. The proposed project area will consist of both noninvasive
and invasive activities. Non-invasive activities will involve literature review which
entails evaluation of all existing geological reports, databases, digital datasets that exist and
maps (published and unpublished) that will give a better understanding of the geological
setting of the project area. The aim of this activity will be to delineate specific target areas
and to exclude any areas that are obviously not feasible. This will also include basic
geophysical mapping of the area. This will led to the production of a basic map of all
distinguishable rock types. The work conducted during this phase will be collated into
geological and geophysical maps. Annual progress reports will be submitted to the
Department of Mineral Resources giving details of the prospecting work done to date.
Depending on the outcomes of phase 1 of the project, initial drilling will be conducted on
selected target areas. The proposed boreholes will be laid out using GPS and will be drilled
by an independent drilling contractor. The first phase of drilling will involve drilling of
widely spaced boreholes to confirm the occurrence of iron ore in the project area. The second
phase of drilling will commence on the successful completion of the initial drilling phase.
This phase will comprise of further drilling at a closer spacing to increase the detail of the
deposit. The aim of this drilling phase is to increase the confidence in the resource estimation
to be able to upgrade the estimated resources to reserves. About 88 drill holes are planned for
the entire duration of the project. The holes are planned to a depth of some 300 m. Detailed
logging of the cores will be conducted by an experienced geologist followed by samples of
all the iron intersected. The collected samples will be sent to an independent accredited
laboratory for analysis. More than one laboratory will be utilised for the analysis in order to
ensure the reliability and accuracy of the analysis results obtained.
Apart from geological, geotechnical and metallurgical investigations, this study will also
include a technical and economic appraisal of the project, which will determine the economic
viability of the project. The Mineral Resource estimation will also be finalised. This Mineral
Resource estimation will be included into a Competent Person`s Report. Work on a potential
mining plan may start to finalise the technical and economic valuation.
This it a govermental plan to destroy the only 2% of South Africa that is Protected arias even more. The aria they are prospecting to mine is the size of Holland. The only Rhino population left in the South is in Kruger National Park. This Petition is aimed to show the goverment they can not do what they want. First they implement the E-toll system without concent and now this.
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