Shut Down Scottish Goat Meat Company

Goat meat is the meat of the domestic goat. It is often called chevon or mutton when the meat comes from adults, and cabrito, capretto, or kid when from young animals. While "goat" is usually the name for the meat found in common parlance, producers and marketers may prefer to use the word chevon.

Do we really have to slaughter & eat EVERY animal on this planet bfore this becomes wrong.. The answer is NO.. its wrong already

Please sign to pledge never to eat Goat Meat, Close down slaughter houses in the UK and ensure that The Scottish Goat Meat Company based in Ellon, Aberdeenshire is closed.

Dear Scottish Parliment

We the undersiged refuse to allow Goat Slaughter to continue in Scotland. We ask for a ban on the sale of chevon or mutton (Goat) in Scotland.

The Slaughter of an innocent animal is simply wrong and cannot be justified by profit. We ask tat you act immediatly and be the first to lead the way to the rest of the UK.

Thank You.

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