Halt and Catch Fire needs a Season 2!!

  • ontvanger: Charlie Collier, President of AMC

Halt and Catch Fire is an excellent drama series that premiered on 1 June 2014 on AMC. Despite the low ratings, it has gathered a dedicated fanbase that would like to see the series develop with its amazing cast. Ahead of the Season 1 finale airing on August 3 2014, show your support for this amazing series by signing the petition in order to show that there are a lot of people who would not want this TV series to be cancelled!!!

Dear Mr Collier, 

Consider our show of support to renew Halt and Catch Fire for Season 2. 


The Fans of Halt and Catch Fire 

Update #310 jaar geleden
Hey Everyone!

Thank you so much! We now have 1705 signatures, which surpassed our goals of 1000 and 1700! Our goal now is 2000 :) I believe that we can reach it!

AMC has now put all the episodes online for 26 days. Please go and watch, because it will probably show support for renewal! Link: http://www.amctv.com/full-episodes/halt-and-catch-fire

Thanks so much everyone- and another update will be on the way- because I have a 500 character limit :(

Update #210 jaar geleden
Hey Everyone!

We have reached 344 signatures in 3 days!!! That is a HUGE achievement! Thanks so much to every one of you amazing fans!

I have emailed AMC and we are waiting for a reply :) Meanwhile, please, continue to spread the word, via the Halt and Catch Fire Facebook page- in the comments, by tweeting, on tumblr, or just by email :) I am so thankful for every one of you who have spread the word.

Together, we can make a difference!!
Update #110 jaar geleden
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for signing this petition! In just one day and a bit, we have nearly reached 80 signatures on this petition! Signatures come from over 20 countries all over the world, and nearly all the states of the US!!!

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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