Why Are Some Taxpayers in the U.S. Not Allowed to Vote?

Despite a decade-long wave of racist voter suppression, in the past year the U.S. has seen many important victories for voting rights! In fact, as of January 2022, fifteen municipalities around the country - from cities in Maryland, to California, to New York City itself - allowed noncitizens to vote in local elections.

Sign now to demand that Congress make it a federal law to allow any tax-paying noncitizen to vote in federal elections!

One of the central ideas this country was founded on is the notion of no taxation without representation. And yet every year, millions of people who live within its borders, spend money in its economy, go to its schools, contribute to its vibrant and diverse culture, and even pay into its taxes, are barred from voting. Since a lot of politicians love to invoke the ideas of the founding fathers, why are they not concerned about this obvious failure to implement one of America's best ideas?

Allowing non-citizens to vote is not a new idea, nor a radical one. In fact, between 1776 and 1926, in as many as forty states non-citizens could exercise their right to vote in various local, state, and even federal elections. In some cases, immigrants could even hold office. 

Recent victories in cities across the U.S. - including New York City, whose change in voter policy will open up voting to 800,000 non–citizens within city limits - are a crucial step forward. But these small reforms are not enough, and leave many tax paying non-citizens out of the political process.

Roughly one in fourteen people living in the United States are non-citizen immigrants. These communities have a right to participate in the political process. If a person pays taxes in the U.S., they should be able to vote, regardless of their citizenship status - plain and simple. Sign the petition now to put necessary pressure on Congress! 

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