Demand Victoria take climate change seriously

Victoria has entered a critical decade in the race to adapt for the stresses of climate change. Yet Victoria is going backwards on renewable energy.
An ALARMING new report on the impact of climate change in Victoria has warned of risks to some of our most basic services and necessities — including water, electricity, transport, telecommunications and buildings.

1) Higher water, energy and telecommunications bills to cover the growing damage to infrastructure across the state.
2) Worsening water shortages, as temperatures climb and rainfall is reduced.
3) Power blackouts and potential fatalities during heatwaves.
4) Coastal buildings and infrastructure, including ports, being hit by storm surges.
5) Less water for hydro and coal-fired power plants, and more erratic wind generation.
6) Longer and more frequent telecommunications outages from stormier weather, potentially hampering emergency rescue and clean-up efforts.

The dangers of climate change have been known for decades, but as a society Australians have been slow to act. Victoria, Victoria, responsible for 23.8% of Australia’s emissions, still draws more than 90% of its electricity from an ageing fleet of coal-fired power plants that include some of the most polluting in the world. Yet the state is blessed with excellent wind resources, as well as abundant sunshine.
Despite these excellent wind resources, government has imposed highly restrictive rules that stipulate that no wind turbines can be placed within 2km of a dwelling without written consent. Turbines are also banned from particular regions, such as the Yarra valley, Mornington peninsula and the Bellarine peninsula.

The federal government is also currently attempting to downscale the national renewable energy target from its current goal of 41,000 gigawatt hours by 2020. In the face of mounting evidence that climate change is having an adverse affect on Victoria, this must not be allowed to happen.

To save Victoria, and Australia from the adverse affects of climate change we need progressive thinking and proactive action. Bushfires will be the least of our worries if we do not start thinking of renewable energy. We have the resources here in Victoria, and been able to build a coal mine closer to a house than a wind turbine is allowed is ridiculous. We need people like Denis Napthine to step up. We need him to lead Victoria forward, climate change needs to be taken seriously. The future of Victoria, and Australia depends on it.

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