Stop China Wanting More Ivory!

  • van: Luke Dray
  • ontvanger: The Chinese Embassy

There is a new wave of elephant poaching being fuelled by Chinese demand for ivory. The economy in China is growing and so is the wealth of its middle class. Ivory is seen as a luxury item and a status symbol, and demand for it has rocketed, making it so valuable that there is now a poaching frenzy which is brutally wiping out elephants in their tens of thousands. If current demand for ivory continues at this rate, elephants could be made extinct within 10 years. If the demand for ivory stops, so will the poaching. By signing this petition, which will be presented to the Chinese embassies in London and Manchester, you are showing your support for stopping the ivory trade and putting an end to this slaughter. The more people that sign, the more hope of protecting elephants and not losing them from our world forever. Please ask everyone you know to sign too.

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Update #110 jaar geleden
The petition was handed into the Chinese embassy, London, in front of the national media. It is now up to the Chinese government to save what is left.
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