Protect whales from explosive compressed air guns

  • van: Jen Johnson
  • ontvanger: U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Hundreds of whales and other marine mammals are being unnecessarily subjected to loud explosions that damage their hearing, destroy their navigation systems, and interfere with breeding.

A group of international scientists is urging the government to protect our precious marine mammals by cutting out unnecessary noise pollution. Sign this petition to add your name to the call and save our whales from terrifying, dangerous blasts in their habitat.

Compressed air guns are used by oil and drilling operations to scan the ocean floor. When they release a blast, it sounds like a bomb exploding. You can hear a recording here.

We can't always protect animals from human activity, but ecologists have revealed that dozens of these seismic tests are completely unnecessary. Instead of issuing just one permit to explore an ocean area, the U.S. government gives out multiple permits to blast explosives in the exact same place.

These whales don't have to live in a war zone. The Norwegian government issues just one permit per location, and companies wanting to explore the region work together using the same seismic data. For the sake of our wildlife, it's time for us to do the same!

Sign this petition to join the international movement to stop noise pollution that's hurting our ocean ecosystems.

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