People For Prayer In Schools

  • van: Erik Nation
  • ontvanger: President Barak Obama and The Government Officials

Prayer in schools has been a foundational act since public educational institutions first began in the early 1800s.  Our forefathers used prayer in public schools as a way to raise the consciences of children as it related to their civil and moral behavior. Many believed it was a good thing and helped to put restraints on immoral behavior.  It was believed that young children did not know how to be respectful and ethical towards their fellow human beings, and that teaching them morality was the responsibility of parents and teachers. Communities felt this was critical to assure and uphold a law-abiding society.

Since the 1962 decision to band prayer in school, there has been a severe decline in the behavior of children of all ages in our school system. This is observed in the lack of respect for instructors, foul language as a common occurrence, degrading acts towards one another, severe bullying, an increase in teenage suicide, and lastly mass killings by children.

We are responsible for the training and well being of our children.  We must work to, once again, establish moral and ethical behavior in our schools.  We believe this starts with allowing prayer back in schools.  Prayer talks about honoring, protecting, and caring for one another. ALL faiths speak to a code of conduct. Our petition would allow prayer for all faiths, and for those of no faith – a time to reflect.  Let’s take a stand on this issue for our children.

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