Thank SAA for banning shipment of endangered animal trophies on its flights

As of 25 April 2015 it has become harder for big game hunters to transport their endangered game trophies back home from South Africa, reports Taylor Hill, associate environment and wildlife editor at TakePart.

South African Airways (SAA) has banned the transport of endangered rhinos, elephants and lions aboard its passenger and cargo flights.

“SAA will no longer support game hunters by carrying their trophies back to their country of origin,” SAA country manager Tim Clyde-Smith told the South African media on Wednesday. “The vast majority of tourists visit Africa in particular to witness the wonderful wildlife that remains. We consider it our duty to work to ensure this is preserved for future generations and that we deter activity that puts this wonderful resource in danger.”

The airline issued a statement announcing that the embargo had gone into effect April 21 on all flights. No exceptions will be made, even if the hunter holds a valid permit “issued by the relevant authorities” to transport the animal, the airline stated. SAA spokesperson Tlali Tlali said, “We recognize that this decision could impact several stakeholders,” but added “SAA Cargo remains committed to playing a significant role in curbing the illegal transportation of all animal species while positively contributing to national and international conservation efforts.”

We, the signees below, wish to applaud the bold and positive move taken by South African Airways to support wildlife in South Africa and so ensure its preservation.

This is a brave move. We thank you.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Dear all: Your response has been overwhelming in so few days. Thank you. I've written to SAA to commend them and included a few hundred of your signatures in my letter.
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