Resolve Pollution Problems in the Green Lake As Requested by Community Members

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Washington State Department of Health

The waters of the Green Lake in Seattle, Washington is so contaminated with excess algae that is unsafe for humans and dogs alike to swim. Authorities suspect that it is due to a mild winter and warm summer that led to the problem. The news report states that the toxic algae bloom in Green Lake has been causing more water problems in recent summers and more frustration for those who love the park.

Those in the nearby communities have grave concerns regarding the health and risk that these polluted present for anyone that uses the waters for recreational purposes. The Friends of Green Lake Organization has recently lobbied for a treatment to clean up the waters to make it safer and healthy. Spokes people for the organization state that the contaminated waters pose the most risk to children and dogs. "Dogs have died from the algae of the kind of toxin that grows in Green Lake.”

Help us to work with and support the community and the Friends of Green Lake by signing and sharing this petition. These waters are very unsafe and hazardous, not only for the children and dogs that swim within, but all sea life that exist.

Washington State Department of Health – We urge you to work with and closely support the Friends of Green Lake Organization in cleaning up and ensuring healthier waters, not only for children and dogs who frequent there but the many fish and wildlife that lives within there. The excess algae in the Green Lake is a crucial and toxic environment that needs to be cleaned and maintained for good health of all involved and concerned.

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