Demand Abused White Tigers be Released to an Accredited Sanctuary.

  • van: Naomi Dreyer
  • ontvanger: Mr. Ma, Manager of Hangzhou Safari Park

Circus trainers at Hangzhou Safari Park have been accused of the mistreatment of white tigers after a video of a performance went viral. The video shows a terrified-looking white tiger being whipped after it tries to bite a trainer’s rod. The scared animal then attempted to run offstage, but fell into a pool.
When another tiger approached the pool in an apparent attempt to check on its distressed comrade, it also received a beating. Later on in the performance, that tiger is seen being forced to stand on its hind legs while blood trickles down its face. A female voice then broadcasts that “The king of all animals wishes you luck, health, and happiness.”
This type of cruelty is absolutely unacceptable, especially against such a rare and intelligent animal as the white tiger. Sign the petition below to demand that the animals are immediately released to a qualified sanctuary where they can enjoy an improved quality of life without being subjected to beatings and other forms of abuse.

Dear Mr. Ma,

The Hangzhou Safari Park has been accused of animal cruelty after a video of a performance showed white tigers being beaten and whipped. One distressed-looking animal was whipped several times after trying to bite a trainer’s whip. It then fell into a pool. When another tiger went to check on its cage-mate, it too was beaten. Later on in the video, blood is seen trickling down the animal’s face.

Wild animals taken into captivity and forced to perform for the entertainment of humans face cruel and unacceptable treatment. They can be starved, chained, and beaten, and they often have their teeth and claws brutally ripped out, causing both mental and physical distress. We, the undersigned, demand that these rare animals are released immediately to an accredited sanctuary where they can live the remainders of their lives without being beaten and otherwise abused.


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