Tell NBC to Enter the 21st Century

Are women's rights stuck in the 1960s? On NBC's new show, "The Playboy Club," they are. The show is set at the Playboy Club in 1960s Chicago, where "Bunnies" were required to wear form-fitting animal costumes while waiting on exclusively male clientele.

Tell NBC to replace "The Playboy Club" with a series that respects women's rights.

The show trivializes the achievements of women over the last fifty years--for instance, one episode reduces African American women's struggles for access to education, jobs, and other basic human rights to a story in which an African American Bunny strives to become the first Playboy centerfold.

Gloria Steinem, the feminist pioneer who posed undercover as a Bunny to expose the sexist practices of the Playboy clubs, has already called for a boycott of the series. Join her in asking NBC to enter the 21st century.

Sign this petition to ask NBC not to air the show and to create programming that respects the struggles and achievements of women.

We the undersigned ask you to replace "The Playboy Club" with a series that respects women's rights. The show trivializes the achievements of women over the last fifty years. Please enter the 21st century by removing the show from your lineup and creating programming that respects the struggles and achievements of women.
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