Dams Hurt Fish, Wildlife, and Indigenous Rights. Demand a Return to Healthy Natural Rivers Now!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: U.S. state and federal agencies
Every year, rivers are choked by the presence of dams that not only disrupt ecosystems by interrupting natural water pathways, but also threaten the rights and cultures of Indigenous peoples.

Recently, we witnessed a monumental victory: the completion of the largest dam removal project in U.S. history on the Klamath River in Oregon and California! The Klamath River's restoration is a powerful example of what can be achieved when communities come together for a common cause.

Let's keep the momentum going! Sign the petition to urge federal and state authorities to work together to remove more dams in order to restore wildlife populations, ecosystem health, and Indigenous rights!

For far too long, the commercial interests behind these dams have put profits over the well-being of wildlife and local communities. The removal of the four dams - Iron Gate, Copco 1, Copco 2, and JC Boyle - will allow salmon to swim freely once again, restoring a natural ecosystem that has been severed for over a century.

The suffering caused by dams is stark and heartbreaking. These structures created unnatural barriers, leading to declining fish populations and devastated ecosystems. Salmon, in particular, were cut off from their breeding and spawning locations, while low oxygen levels near dam sites caused young fish to die and led viruses to proliferate.

Many Tribes, including the Yurok Tribe, have been at the forefront of the fight to remove these dams, advocating for the return of their ancestral waters to a more natural state. Their voices matter, and now is the time to honor their fight!

However, we cannot stop here. While we celebrate this landmark achievement, there are still many more dams that need to be removed to protect our rivers and wildlife.

It is crucial that we build on this success and push for further action. Sign this petition to urge U.S. agencies and lawmakers to take bold steps in removing more dams across the country!
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