Stop the Unethical Detention of Minors in Troubled Teen Industry

    My personal story began at Casa By The Sea, a facility owned by the globally infamous company, World Wide Association of Specialty Schools. The facility was forcefully shut down due to allegations of abuse and countless other violations. This, unfortunately, is not an isolated incident. Our aim is to prevent the imprisonment of minors and combat the harmful practices pervasive within the troubled teen industry. Currently, over 200,000 children are unjustly detained in these facilities across the United States - a shocking number mirroring the total count of Walmart stores. Moreover, prominent figures such as Mitt Romney and other Utah legislators have received substantial financial benefits from this nefarious system, further enhancing the pain of affected families and inflicting irreparable damage on young lives. We demand immediate intervention from competent authorities and a comprehensive reform in current laws governing these facilities. Stand with us in this fight against child exploitation, abuse, and the destruction of young lives. Your signature could help bring an end to this systemic wrong. Sign the petition today.
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