SAVE CANTRELL ROAD! Keep Cantrell zoned as residential and stop the potential commercial rezoning at Cantrell, Pleasant Valley Drive, and I-430.

Newmark Moses Tucker Partners are advertising the sale of 25.63 acres of RESIDENTAL land at Cantrell Road, Pleasant Valley, and I-430. This land is currently zoned as residential (R-2), but an interested developer could ask the city of Little Rock to rezone the property into commercial land. 

Please show your support by signing this petition to oppose any attempt to rezone this residential land into commercial property. 

City planners wisely zoned this land as residential for good reasons, and NO CHANGES should be made.

 Please help us save this beautiful and picturesque landscape that has always been a residential green space.  

 A few reasons to keep this land residential and not commercial are as follows:

1) Johnswood, the former home of John Gould Fletcher and his wife Charlie May Simon, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1994 and is located on this land. This piece of Arkansas history should be preserved.

2) Our city already has a serious traffic problem along this corridor. We should not make congestion worse with commercial development. 

3) Progressive cities all over the country are saving their green spaces, not destroying them or carving them up. The scientific literature on the value of green spaces to humans, animals, plants, and ecosystems is extensive. Green spaces:

  • Are essential to mitigating climate change. For instance, there are more deaths and hospitalizations during heat waves in places without trees, so green spaces actually reduce health care costs directly. Green space along an interstate with higher emissions/pollution is especially important to control both emissions and noise pollution. 
  • Benefit human well-being (physical, mental, and emotional)
  • Protect biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. These woods are home to bobcats, coyotes, owls, pileated woodpeckers, and more.


We are not anti-development. We are about smart development in areas already zoned commercial

 THANK YOU for your support! Please forward this petition to others! For updated information about planning commission meetings, etc., please follow our FB page:

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