False Alarm, so sorry! The decorations are a very, very convcining fake.

I had to buy one of these and take it apart to see that it was fake. I recieved an email from OSH stating that the fur was fake and that they would never use or sell real fur in their stores. As soon as I figure out how I will take this petition down.

Mr. Maltsbarger,

I was very distressed today to see that OSH is selling holiday ornaments trimmed with real rabbit fur. Other fur-trimmed ornaments at your store are fake fur, but the cardboard christmas tree-shaped ornaments are garlanded with what is clearly rabbit fur. And since these decorations are also made in China, not only did innocent animals have to die, they had to die horrible after suffering terrible abuse and neglect. The life of an animal is worth more than a $20 holiday ornament. Please pull this item from your shelves and refrain from stocking fur items in the future.

Update #111 jaar geleden
okay, false alarm, sorry! I had to buy one of the stupid things and take it apart to determine that it is, in fact, fake fur. I still don't know why anyone would want a holiday decoration featuring a fur garland on a christmas tree, but the fur itself is a *very* convincing fake. As soon as I figure out how I will be taking the petition down. Thank you all so much for signing!
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