Thousands of Chickens Die in the Heat Due to Farm Negligence

The UK recently experienced extremely high temperatures and during that peak, one of the largest meat supplier farms in the country killed thousands of their chickens. Moy Park farms did not prepare or do enough to save these poor chickens and that's why we're calling on a national law that would require more care for farm animals.

Will you sign on to ensure this kind of mass death never happens again?

Granted, the heat was higher than usual. But ultimately if you're going to be in charge of a large number of animals, it's your job to be prepared to keep them safe. The chickens were left inside sheds where they slowly died in the heat. There must have been some way to prepare for this like installing cooling systems or moving the chickens elsewhere temporarily. 

The truth is, factory farms don't really care about their animals given that they are all going to be slaughtered anyway. And while we can't stop that from happening altogether just yet, we can demand the conditions the animals are held in and the way they are killed is as humane as possible. This is an example of hoorible conditions leading to painful, lengthy and early deaths of thousands of animals.

Please sign on if you want to see strong protections for animals on factory farms in the UK!
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