Tell Pune to Crack Down on Bird Stranglings!

On January 15, Pune residents reported over 75 birds with severe injuries from getting tangled in kite strings. Residents fly kites to celebrate the January 14 Hindu festival Makar Sankranti, which marks the beginning of spring. Unfortunately, kite-flyers are ignoring a ban on nylon "manja" (kite string), which is difficult for birds to see.

Pigeons, crows, eagles, owls and bats have been injured by nylon kite string. Some sustained lesions on their wings, impeding their ability to fly, while others had their feet and necks tangled. Residents continue to fly kites throughout the month, with children participating in kite-flying competitions. It is time for the city to take a stance against nylon kite string, and raise awareness of manja that birds can detect and avoid.

Please sign the petition to urge Pune officials to enforce the ban on nylon string, and take measures to raise awareness about humane kite-flying.

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the high numbers of birds becoming entangled in kite string. On January 15, Pune residents reported over 75 birds with severe injuries from getting tangled in kite strings. Residents fly kites to celebrate the Makar Sankranti. Unfortunately, kite-flyers are ignoring a ban on nylon "manja" (kite string), which is difficult for birds to see.

Pigeons, crows, eagles, owls and bats have been injured by nylon kite string. Some sustained lesions on their wings, impeding their ability to fly, while others had their feet and necks tangled. Residents continue to fly kites throughout the month, with children participating in kite-flying competitions. It is time for the city to take a stance against nylon kite string, and raise awareness of manja that birds can detect and avoid.

We respectfully urge you to enforce the ban on nylon string, and take measures to raise awareness about humane kite-flying. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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