Preserve historic Kent Street houses

Please add your voice! Help us fight to preserve the two beautiful, historic, and significant Brookline houses at 295 Kent Street and 116 Colchester Street.  They have been on the National Register of Historic Places in the Longwood Historic District since 1978. Now a developer intends to demolish them. The Preservation Commission has imposed an 18 month demolition delay. It expires in February 2022.

Act now. Sign this petition opposing the demolition of these beautiful historic buildings. Help preserve Brookline's rich history and character.

Note: only your first name and last initial will be publicly visible. We appreciate providing your street address and email to help us (the neighbors/organizers) send a strong message about our commitment to the neighborhood, and have a way of keeping everyone up to date. Help us work together to preserve our community!

For more information on the architectural and historic value of these houses, please see the Brookline Preservation Commission's Demolition Application Report at

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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