• van: Elke Hutto

LANTUS HAS BEEN ON THE MARKET SINCE 2000. It is a product of SANOFi. It is a good product. However, it is marketed for human use. Humans who have health insurance. 

Animal parents are left out in the cold and often times have to let their beloved pet be put down because the price of the lifesaving medication is unatainable. 

In 2005 a veil of Lantus cost $75 in Texas. Today the price ranges between $210 and $270,  a box of five pens over $300. The manufacturor recommends the product be tossed after 28 days.

Animals mostly use small doses, so whatever money its animal parent might have had is gone very quickly.

There are cupons on line, they come with the usual forms to fill out and the company itself offers a reduction in cost if a human makes less that $42,000. 

The petition is designed to gather as many signatures as possible to aske the company to please have a separate dosage and pricing for animals. 

I believe I posted this petition 12.30.12

Update #111 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing the petition. I forwarded the results to the manufacturer and have never heard back. So I will try another approach, go thru the the distributors.
Thank you for your support.
Elke and the gang
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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