Expose Kimberly Potton and her illegal horse trading!!

Kimberly Potton goes by many aliases such as Kimmy, Ally, Lilly, Kimberly Austin. She is a vile woman who cons innocent people into selling their horses to what they presume is a loving home only to have them abused, taken and never paid for or sold on without permission. Owners are left devistated.

She also attempts to sell lame or dangerous horses to novice riders for insane amounts of money only to refuse to hand over the horse.

The animals left in her care (hers she claims) are at Surrey Crest stables, Godstone. All animals are malnourished, living in filthy conditions and possibly 'sold' to multiple people at a time via payment plan.

I myself have been a victim and have heard from others also suffering at her hands.

Report her, come forward about any of your experiences, raise awareness and make a noise before it's too late! Help us stop her abuse, help us save these poor animals!

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