He said he would gladly shot all the strays
it is said in the news paper INFO MAGAZIN, which writes:


In the name of international animal welfare groups,worldwide, we wish to express our shame and anger reguarding your expressing hate against the defenceless strays,by saying "i would gladly kill all the strays",

like the newspaper


We know you are a wellknown singer in ROMANIA and young generation love your songs and we feel a big shame reading about  your hate against the strays, which didnt ask to come in this sad world, but indolence of humans created all this situation.Your influence is great and said on the scene full of young people and not only,we think it is inappropriate, shamefull, discrimanating and we ask you to make good,positive influence on the public and not influence of hate and negative feelings against those poor animals which has to suffer so much there.Give an example of kindness and love not hate and anger between the young generation.

We wish you luck and good thoughts reguarding the defenceless and weaks

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