A new study by an international committee set up by the Mexican Government to advise on the recovery of the vaquita (CIRVA – the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita) has shown that the vaquita is much closer to going extinct than anyone thought. Delays in eliminating the legal gillnet fishing and a new, illegal gillnet fishery for totoaba (an endangered fish endemic to the northern Gulf) have resulted in a dramatic increase in the decline rate of the vaquita, from about 5-8%/year to the current 18.5%/year. Only an estimated 97 vaquitas remain, and probably less than 25 of these are reproductive females.
Update #310 jaar geleden
we are getting there have 828 signatures thanks everyone I will let you know everything I can once petition is sent to govenors of mexico and California and the president
Update #210 jaar geleden
thank you very much for signing petition!:)
here is the link if you can send to your friends....we have 735 signatures only need 265 more for me to send off!
Update #110 jaar geleden
we have over 300 signatures if you can please post link to your facebook or other social network...let us save these beautiful creatures