Ban Cruel Dog Training Methods & Punish Abusers!

This heartless dog trainer promotes striking animals, as well as shocking them with electric collars, to teach them better behavior.

Add your name if you want cruel methods like these to be banned in the U.K., and for the people who use them to punished as animal abusers.

The animal trainer's name is Jeff Gellman, and his firm is called Solid K9 Training.

"Mr. Gellman was subject to a backlash last year after a video went viral that showed him hitting a dog with a rolled up towel.

"He refers to this as a "bonking" and posts YouTube demonstrations on how to do it," reported the BBC.

I don't care what kind of cutesy name you give it.

Hitting an animal is NEVER acceptable.

The BBC continued: "Mr. Gellman has argued via social media that this - as well as his use of prong collars and remote shock collars - is effective in aggressive dogs with behavioural problems and does not hurt."

This guy has got to be kidding...

You know the whole point of a shock collar IS to hurt an animal.

The U.K. has said that they would ban these cruel devices, but they still haven't done so, according to The Mirror.

Words without action doesn't matter.

The BBC went on: "The Scottish SPCA said animals should never be trained by pain, which is only effective because it hurts the animal.

"The organisation said these methods cause lifelong physical and emotional problems, and they lead to aggression and a lack of trust."

Gellman is holding a seminar in Perth, U.K. in August of 2020.

Ignorant people may attend and be taught abusive methods for training their dogs. We can't allow that.

Don't you think the methods he uses should be banned, and those who follow his lead should punished for animal abuse?

"An animal should be trained by patience, kindness and respect," said Scottish SPCA superintendent Sharon Comrie.

I agree with her, 100%. How about you?

The Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill 2019-20 was presented to Parliament in February of 2020, sponsored by Chris Loder MP.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Parliament that would label Gellman's training methods as animal abuse, and punish these vicious people accordingly.

Don't you agree that cruel training methods, like striking animals with rolled towels and shocking them with electric collars, should be considered animal abuse?

Then add your name to ask Jeremy Corbyn to take swift action to introduce legislation that would label cruel training methods as animal abuse, and punish offenders accordingly!

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