Don't Execute Warren Hill, Developmentally Disabled Georgia Inmate

In 1988, Georgia became the first state to ban the execution of mentally retarded defendants who are proven to have learning disabilities beyond reasonable doubt. Despite this ban, developmentally disabled Georgia death row inmate Warren Lee Hill is slated for execution this Tuesday for a shooting murder committed in 1986 and beating an inmate to death in 1990.

Mental retardation is generally defined as scoring 70 or below on IQ tests. Court records show that Hill scored 69 on one IQ test and 70 on two others. This evidence proves that he is developmentally disabled beyond reasonable doubt. Allowing the execution to continue undermines guidelines that have been put in place to protect developmentally disabled persons.

Warren Hill is scheduled to be executed on February 19th. Please sign the petition to convince the Georgia Pardons Board to stop this execution.

Dear Georgia Pardons Board,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our concern for planned execution of Georgia death row inmate Warren Lee Hill on Monday.

We understand that Georgia became the first state to ban the execution of developmentally disabled defendants who are proven to have learning disabilities beyond reasonable doubt. Mental retardation is generally defined as scoring 70 or below on IQ tests. Court records show that Hill scored 69 on one IQ test and 70 on two others. This evidence proves that he is developmentally disabled beyond reasonable doubt. Allowing the execution to continue undermines guidelines that have been put in place to protect developmentally disabled persons.

We urge you to spare Mr. Hill's life and seek other alternatives for punishing Mr. Hill's crimes and the crimes of future inmates with developmental disabilities. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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