Alabama Just Gassed a Man to Death. We Must Abolish the Cruel and Unjust Death Penalty.

Imagine being trapped in a nightmare, struggling for your life, unable to breathe, and filled with unbearable fear and pain. This is the horrifying reality that Kenneth Smith faced when he was executed in Alabama using an untested method involving nitrogen gas. His agonizing 22-minute ordeal could be described as nothing less than torture -- even United Nations experts warned that it likely violates the official prohibition on torture.

Kenneth Smith's case is a heartbreaking example of why we must raise our voices against the death penalty in the United States. We cannot allow such cruel and inhumane practices to continue. Please sign the petition demanding that the U.S. Congress abolish the death penalty once and for all!

Kenneth Smith's execution using nitrogen gas, known as "nitrogen hypoxia," was a horrific experiment using a human life as a guinea pig. Witnesses reported that he writhed, convulsed, and gasped for air during the execution.

This method is so horrific that even the American Veterinary Medical Association has deemed nitrogen hypoxia as an unacceptable form of euthanasia for mammals because of how incredibly distressing it is for the subject

Beyond this particularly horrendous method of execution, the death penalty in general is incredibly troubling. The death penalty, which is still legal in over 20 states, is irreversible. There is always a risk of executing innocent people, especially in the United States where wrongful convictions are not uncommon.

There is also the possibility of botched executions, leading to prolonged suffering and PTSD. In fact, Kenneth Smith was a victim of a botched execution in 2022, when he was tied to a gurney for hours as officials repeatedly stabbed him with needles but failed to find a vein.

We cannot claim to be a just and humane society when our justice system is capable of such grave errors.

It is time for us to take a stand against the death penalty. We must urge our elected representatives in Congress to put an end to this barbaric practice. We can show the world that we value human life, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Please join us in demanding that the U.S. Congress abolish the death penalty. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a more humane and compassionate society -- sign the petition today.
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