Let´s do all we can to save the remaining 49 Caledonian Owlet-Nightjars

  • van: Ismail A & Patricia Losch
  • ontvanger: The France Prime Minister Mr. Manuel Valls , Minister of Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rurality Mr. Stéphane LE FOLL to afford more money for conservations in New Caldonia and protect The New Caledonian owlet-nightjar

The New Caledonian owlet-nightjar, as its name says, only lives in New Caledonia which is a French overseas territory located in the Southwest Pacific near Australia, The New Caledonian owlet-nightjar is larger than the Australian owlet-nightjar and it is the only night flying species that it's eyes doesn't reflect light back if someone shines in them, last seen in 1998 after it was thought extinct , a expedition saw a large night jar foraging for insects at dusk near Riviere Ni Valley . Now there are no conservation plans to protect this bird ,they are critically endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with only less than 49 birds thought to be alive and their numbers are decreasing, the report being from 1998, so maybe now there only are less then the half .

The major threat is as we already know humans , through mining (the Vale nickel company, Eramet SA , South province) , widespread logging , hunting and a rat that has been that brought to the island by the first settlers . The French Government pays no attention to the conservation of New Caledonia , and because it is part of France it doesn't qualify for funds to protect its biodiversity through traditional international sources

 The New Caledonian owlet-nightjar is larger than the Australian owlet-nightjar and it is the only night flying species that it's eyes doesn't reflect light back if someone shines in them, last seen in 1998 after it was thought extinct , a expedition saw a large night jar foraging for insects at dusk near Riviere Ni Valley . Now there are no conservation plans to protect this bird ,they are critically endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with only less than 49 birds thought to be alive and their numbers are decreasing, the report being from 1998, so maybe now there only are less then the half .

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