Close the City Pound of Playa del Carmen

  • ontvanger: PROFEPA - Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente

Being the premier tourist destination in the Riviera Maya for those seeking the luxury and exotic close together, the Riviera Maya, Mexico and Playa del Carmen as its heart has grown tremendously. There are many ecologic problems that come with mass tourism as well as lacking infrastructure and efforts for conservation, education and information have to be increased to match with the demand.

- The city pound of Playa del Carmen is not a shelter but a trap and kill entity of the government of Playa del Carmen.

- dogs are caught and brought to the pound to free the streets of Playa del Carmen from the stray animals that tourists do not see the misery they live in.

- the dogs are not treated for diseases, not fed well and sometimes do not even have water

- this Easter weekend, the pound is closed and no workers are there, the animals are left alone for several days without food and water or supervision

- there is no effort made from the pound that if dogs that obviously have an owner (well fed, collar or other clues that suggest that they are no stray dogs) are united with their owners.

- donations dissappear and the dogs are not well fed.

- when they are killed, they are slaughtered in an inhumane way.

Following are several links, addressing  the problem over the last years, all in Spanish

as well as the last information of the closed pound for Easter:

Local rescue organisation are already getting involved and try to help these poor animals. What we need is a public outcry, the awareness of many and the power of the tourists that decide if they want to come on holidays to a destination that does not treat their animals and nature right.

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petitie tekenen


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