Help save the Australian state of Victoria from the guns of trophy hunters

  • van: Georgina B
  • ontvanger: Government of Victoria

The Australian state of Victoria wants to promote itself to hunters from around the world as 'the' place for trophy hunting.

Victoria's 46,000 licensed game shooters hunt animals such as deer, duck, quail and feral pests such as foxes and wild pigs.

However, the State Agriculture Minister said Victoria could further capitalise on the ‘sport’ and plans to invest $17.6 million in game management over the next four years.

The government argues that New Zealand captures a significant part of the trophy hunting market and that there's an opportunity for Victoria to increase revenue by going into competition.

Groups opposed to trophy hunting say the plan includes a push to hand over public lands and national parks to hunters.

Bushwalkers, campers and other recreational users of national parks and public lands will be unsafe with amateur hunters firing bullets. Moreover, culling of feral animals is best left to the professionals, not amateur hunters who could injure animals, leaving them to a painful death.

Please sign and share the petition to demand the Victorian government does not promote the state as a trophy hunting destination.



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