Demand justice for Irelands abused horses.

  • van: Donie Nagle
  • ontvanger: Irish Department of Agriculture

At Shannonside foods premises in Co Kildare Ireland, undercover camera footage showed shocking abuse against horses. The poor animals were brutally beaten, whipped relentlessly and terrorised in the days prior to being killed in the nearby abattoir. It was all revealed in a TV programme by RTE. Their two abusers still live freely and were even allowed to remove the remaining horses before the premises was temporily closed. The footage aired was deeply disturbing and barely watchable. Protests have since occurred outside the abattoir urging the government to permanently close the premises but as yet to no avail.


1 The abusers need to be tried and convicted ASAP
2 The premises needs to be PERMANENTLY closed
3 The minister for agriculture Charlie McConalogue must resign his position after this scandal.

Please sign the petition...thank you.


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