Wolves are Welkom in the Netherlands and are Protected Species . (official announce) .
If you Catch or Kill a Wolf you Get 2 Years Prison or you have to Pay
€ 20.250,00.
Why not in the Whole World ?
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Rik the DutchFluteplayer ~ Whistler for Wolves .
the Law about The Wolves are Protected Species in the Netherlands translated in English.
Regulation of the Minister of Economic Affairs of June 25, 2014, No. 13,107,468, amending the Regulation on the designation of fauna and flora Flora and Fauna Act (Designation of the wolf as a protected native species)
The State Secretary for Economic Affairs,
Having regard to Article 4, third paragraph, in conjunction with the second paragraph, under c, and Article 75, third paragraph, of the Flora and Fauna;
Annex 2 to the Designation of animal and plant species Flora and Fauna Act for the table Pisces Pisces sl a new table added, reading:
Dutch name
scientific name
motive for shooting
Canis lupus
The Regulation exempting endangered animal and plant species Flora and Fauna is added after Article 14, reading a news article:
Article 14a
1 There is an exemption from the prohibition referred to in Article 13, first paragraph, of the Act, for having living or dead wolves, if it can be shown that among themselves.:
- Animals born and bred in captivity, and
- The animals are placed or received in the Netherlands before 1 July 2014.
2. There is an exemption from the prohibition referred to in Article 13, first paragraph, of the Act for having products wolves among themselves if it can be shown that they are wolves comes as referred to in the first paragraph.
These regulations come into force on July 1, 2014.
This scheme will be placed. The explanations in the Gazette
The Hague, June 25, 2014
The State Secretary for Economic Affairs,
S.A.M. Dijksma
With this arrangement, the wolf (Canis lupus) designated as protected native species within the meaning of the Flora and Fauna Act. The growing range of the German population in the wild wolves shows that the chance that the wolf in time will also return in the Netherlands. The wolf is designated in the Designation of animal and plant species Flora and Fauna. The designation means that the killing, capture or deliberate disturbance of wild wolves under Articles 9 and 10 of the Flora and Fauna Act is prohibited and that the Wildlife Fund is authorized to decide on applications for compensation for damage caused by wolves. For existing holders of captive born and bred wolves exempting from the prohibition under to have. The animals or products derived therefrom
The wolf in Europe
The wolf (Canis lupus) is one of the major predators that exist in the European Union in the wild. By actively fighting the wolf include Netherlands (nineteenth century) and Germany (early twentieth century) eradicated. The Dutch legislation (Official Gazette, 1814, No. 79) knew when a system of premiums for the killing of wolves. At the end of the twentieth century there was a change in societal attitudes towards wolves. The species in view of its poor state of preservation, was included in Annex IV of the European Habitats Directive (Directive nr.92/43/EG) as strictly protected species. There hunting bans were imposed and a ban on the possession of and trade in wolves and products derived from wolves.
Sail the remaining local populations in Europe accounted for this protection. In recent decades, their distribution, grew that includes areas where they were tens to hundreds of years absent. Wolves live in sprawling, often transnational, habitats. At the same time their presence leads to conflicts with humans. Their habitat includes cultivated areas, where they can do damage. The views on the protection of wolves than less diverse and it requires effort to achieve. Sustainable coexistence of wolves and people in Europe
The wolf in Netherlands
The natural range of the current German-Polish wolf population is growing every year. It lives in Germany now several packs at roughly 200 kilometers from the Dutch border. That's a good unbridgeable distance for boy who pack their parental leave in search of their own habitat. In the spring of 2013 was already with certainty the presence of an individual wolf down in a field near the Dutch border, in Meppen in Germany. In the spring of 2014, sightings of a wolf done with a camera trap, both in Meppen and in Nordhorn in Germany.
The presence of wolves near the Dutch border is a clear indication that its range expands the German-Polish population towards the Netherlands. Given the usual dispersion ranges and distances hunting of wolves in conjunction with observations in areas near the Dutch border, it is likely that wolves already use areas in the Netherlands. Shorter or longer time
The protection of the wolf
Netherlands has assumed international obligations to protect the wolf. The European wolf populations are included partly in Annex A and Annex B part (Spanish and Greek populations) in the CITES regulation. Possession of and trade in wolves, living or dead, and the products derived therefrom, shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of that regulation. The wolf is further designated as strictly protected species in Annex IV of the Habitats Directive. Pursuant to Article 12, first paragraph, of the Habitats Directive, Member States must take measures to protect. Wild wolves in their natural range This protection means in the first instance in which Member States the deliberate killing or capture of criminalization in wild wolves. In addition, they must take measures to encourage. Favorable conservation status of the population Given the special circumstances of the wolf as large migrant carnivore (dispersion ranges, hunting distances and observations near the border) assumes that all parts of the Netherlands are within the natural range of the German-Polish wolf population.
Netherlands implements the CITES Regulation and the Habitats through the legal framework of the Flora and Fauna Act. The prohibitions on killing or capturing, referred to in Article 9 of the Flora and Fauna Act, apply only to animals of protected native species. In Article 4, first paragraph, of the Flora and Fauna Act are mammals that occur naturally in the Netherlands, designated as protected native species. Article 13 of the Flora and Fauna Act contains prohibitions on the possession of and trade in specimens derived from protected native and exotic species.
Although it can be assumed that individual wandering wolves will create areas in the Netherlands, now or in the future use it is expected to take years before a wolf will settle. Actually in Netherlands Under these circumstances, the law provides enough clues to be regarded as "a naturally occurring in the Netherlands mammal" within the meaning of Article 4, first paragraph, of the Flora and Fauna Act. The wolf Given the international obligations for the protection of the species, the wolf, therefore, explicitly designated as protected native species within the meaning of the Flora and Fauna Act. The designation makes clear which protect the wolf enjoys under the law and the powers of the provinces and the Wildlife Fund have under that law.
Designation of the wolf as a protected native species
In Article I of this scheme is the wolf on the basis of Article 4, second paragraph, opening words and under c, of the Flora and Fauna Act designated as a species that disappeared from the Netherlands and whose good chance of return exists. In view of the ongoing obligations of the Habitats Directive, the designation shall be made by ministerial regulation. The result is the first place that the killing or capture of a wild wolf is prohibited without a valid waiver. Offense is an offense for which a maximum imprisonment of two years or a fine of € 20,250.00 may be required if the offense intentionally begaan.1 The provinces are based on the Flora and Fauna Act, the competent authority for an exemption to grant to include the public safety. Farmers who incur damage, can apply for a subsidy for the Wildlife Fund.
The wolf was already designated as protected exotic species (Article 4 of the Regulation on the designation of protected animal and plant species in conjunction with the CITES basic Regulation). The Netherlands and abroad bringing wolves or derived products as a result, an EU certificate required, as far from one of the populations listed in Appendix A of the CITES basic Regulation. These requirements remain unchanged. Keeping wolves was allowed, provided that the holder could demonstrate that the animals were bred in captivity, Be it obtained illegally or brought within the Netherlands. Now the wolf is regarded as protected native species, holders have possession exemption from the Secretary of State is required. This is applied to the National Entrepreneurial Netherlands.
Since it is likely that wolves this summer already in Dutch areas and given the conflicts that may arise between wolves and residents in those areas violates the rules take effect immediately.
Burden for citizens, businesses and governments
The burden on citizens and businesses, resulting from the designation, are expected to remain limited. Farmers will could be damaged in case a wolf a prey among their cattle. Provinces and Wildlife Fund, making it clear that in the case of a wandering individual wolf, can not be required that farmers preventive measures nemen.2 The few wandering wolf, the Netherlands serves, will stay here only briefly and very shy. Preventive measures are costly and ineffective as long as it is not clear in what area the wolf resides and how long he stays there.
For the same reason the provinces do not even consider it in order to take. Active protective Counties are preparing at this time for the presence of a non-territorial wandering wolf.
Of active protection measures are only appropriate if there is establishment of territorial wolves or packs. Moreover, the number of such cases remains limited protection imaginable. Wolves have large and varied habitats. In practice, spatial interventions such as infrastructure few forms impede their movement abilities.
There are a number of places in the Netherlands held wolves bred in captivity. It involves a number of zoos and private owners. Article II of the scheme is an exemption for existing holders included. They need to ask for the wolves that they had before the entry into force of these regulations among themselves, as well as all or products derived thereof. Owns no derogation to The decision to grant the exemption are the consequences of the Positive List to propose mammals meegewogen.3 The wolf will be assessed in the context of the Positive List of mammal species. If it follows that the species is not dependent on the Positive List, then keeping wolves from the moment of the announcement of the decision is no longer allowed. Holders who have already kept wolves, wolves may keep the animals death.
Zoos are under the Decree and Zoo will be on that basis also house animals that are not on the positive list. For private owners a transitional arrangement applies. Holders of animals that are not on the positive list, may, if the animal is kept at the time of entry into force, they remain during the time that the animal is still alive. Detectable in Netherlands This animal may be resold or transferred. The breeding of these animals is not permitted. The burden of proof that the animal was alive at the time of entry into force of the Positive List is already in the container. The exemption in this regulation is consistent with this.
The State Secretary for Economic Affairs,
S.A.M. Dijksma
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