{UPDATE: There is legislation making its way through the Illinois legislature that would legalize recreational marijuana use in the state. Now is the time to show our support more than ever!}
In the March 20 primaries, 2/3 of voters said they would like to see marijuana legalized in Illinois. The message is clear, the time is now, Illinois must finally legalize marijuana for all.
Sign the petition to send the message to Illinois legislators that you want marijuana to be legal for all. Your signatures and comments will be sent directly to legislators.
I live in Chicago and was able to get my medical marijuana card to deal with the effects of of PTSD and accompanying chronic pain. I'm so grateful for this tool - it has changed my life for the better in a dramatic way. But right now there are only about 40 conditions that allow a person to get a medical card in this state, even though many more conditions have been shown to benefit from cannabis use.
All the Democratic candidate for Illinois Governor have signaled they would support legislation to legalize marijuana, but right now Republican Bruce Rauner is in charge and although he has decriminalized posession somewhat, he will not decriminalize it altogether. But the facts are: Illinois residents want legal marijuana.
I want everyone who could benefit from marijuana to have access to it - whether that's for a medical condition or just recreation and dealing with common stress.
Not to mention Illinois is in such a bad position financially that the taxes from legal marijuana could only help us out. Illinois is also housing a lot of inmates who are serving time because of marijuana charges. Legalizing marijuana would pave the way to get those people out. There is no reason for tax dollars to pay to lock up people who have nonviolent marijuana charges, especially since those people are disproportionately black and brown.
Also, in states where marijuana is legal, rates of opioid addiction are lower. As the opioid epidemic is one of the worst health crisis facing our country right now, we should be doing everything we can to help people reduce use. That includes making marijuana legal and available.
Please sign my petition to tell Illinois legislators to legalize marijuana.
Update #16 jaar geleden
Amazing news! Governor Rauner just signed a bill into law that will make it easier for patients to access medical marijuana. This is a step in the right direction for Illinois, but we need to keep pushing to legalize it for everyone!